Thursday, July 3, 2008

Stars and Stripes and neurosis (forever).

You know those times when it's almost midnight, and you just put some homemade cupcakes in the oven, but you spilled flour all over the floor (as always) and you're down on your hands and knees with a paper towel and some Fantastick getting said flour all over the hems of your Marc Jacobs jeans and hoping to god that the internet wasn't lying to you when it said (as if it were an actual person) that sour cream was an acceptable substitute for buttermilk, and yet you justify it all because the cupcakes are for your brother's birthday and you're wearing that cute little vintage ruffled apron with the pineapples on it? No? Maybe it's just me.

I swear someday I will have actual posts. Long weekend away from home coming up. After that I'll be listing more vintage on eBay, doing outfit posts regularly (it's my independence day resolution), and working most likely long hours at night for Grease.

Happy Fourth of July to all who celebrate it. Now pull a Karl and get all patriotic-like!


Human Racing said... I have no idea what you're talking about. Jk I've had moments like that too. Love the patriotic outfit!


I love little stars. Hope your 4th was a fun one! :)